Earthquake Probabilities for the Wasatch Front region in Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming

Wong, I., W. Lund, C. DuRoss, P. Thomas, W. Arabasz, A. Crone, M. Hylland, N. Luco, S. Olig, J. Pechmann, S. Personius, M. Petersen, D. Schwartz, R. Smith, and S. Bowman (2016). Earthquake Probabilities for the Wasatch Front region in Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming, Utah Geological Survey Miscellaneous Publication 16-3,  418 pp.

Recent discoveries of Yellowstone’s magmatic plumbing system, seismic swarms and their relationship to current deformation

Farrell, J., R. B. Smith, H.‐H. Huang, F.‐C. Lin, W.‐C. Chang, and C. M. Puskas (2015). Recent discoveries of Yellowstone’s magmatic plumbing system, seismic swarms and their relationship to current deformation, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 47(6), 7.

Tomography from 26 years of seismicity revealing that the spatial extent of the Yellowstone crustal magma reservoir extends well beyond the Yellowstone caldera

Farrell, J., R. B. Smith, S. Husen, and T. Diehl, 2014, Tomography from 26 years of seismicity revealing that the spatial extent of the Yellowstone crustal magma reservoir extends well beyond the Yellowstone caldera, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, doi:10.1002/2014GL059588.