Repeating earthquakes in the Yellowstone volcanic field: implications for rupture dynamics, ground deformation, and migration in earthquake swarms

Massin, F., J. Farrell, and R. B. Smith, 2013, Repeating earthquakes in the Yellowstone volcanic field: implications for rupture dynamics, ground deformation, and migration in earthquake swarms. J. Vol. Geotherm. Res., 251,

Migrating Activity of the 2010 Madison Plateau, Yellowstone National Park, earthquake swarm: Evidence for fluid triggering?

Shelly, D. R., D. P. Hill, F. Massin, J. Farrell, and R. B. Smith (2013). Migrating Activity of the 2010 Madison Plateau, Yellowstone National Park, earthquake swarm: Evidence for fluid triggering?, Seism. Res. Lett. 84, 297.