M 2.6 near Hyde Park, UT.


 University of Utah Seismograph Stations

Released: January 02, 2023 06:49 AM MST

The University of Utah Seismograph Stations reports that an earthquake of magnitude 2.6 occurred at 06:37 AM on January 02, 2023 (MST).  The epicenter of the shock was located 6.8 mi W of Hyde Park, UT.  Over 30 people in the Cache Valley reported that they felt this earthquake.  A total of 13 earthquakes of magnitude 3.0 or greater have occurred within 16 mi of the epicenter of this event since 1962.  The largest of these events was a magnitude 4.1 on October 18, 1964, 4.7 mi ENE of Providence, UT.  

Anyone who felt the earthquake is encouraged to fill out a survey form on the US Geological Survey website: earthquake.usgs.gov.