Station Siting Criteria
When selecting sites to install strong-motion stations, we considered the following:
- Population centers–most instruments are located in major population centers where people, buildings, and infrastructure are concentrated.
- Active fault locations.
- Geologic site conditions–to sample soil types (based on geology and Vs30 classifications) and other site conditions important to ground motions.
- Locations relative to other strong-motion stations in operation.
- Site where Vs30 measurements are available.
- Critical facilities–it is useful to have instruments near important government, industrial, and transportation facilities.
- National guidelines recommending that sites be in 1-2 story buildings less than 4000 sq. ft. in plan or in a “free-field” location away from large structures.
- Telemetry constraints–current telemetry options are an Internet connection, digital subscriber line, cell phone, or spread-spectrum digital radio.
- Protection from vandalism.
Our siting plans were reviewed by several local engineers, the USGS Ground-Motion Team, and the Utah Advisory Committee for Urban Strong-Motion Monitoring.
Information for Property Owners and Stakeholders site permit (in pdf format)
Technical Installation Details
NetQuakes Instruments: This is a new USGS strong-motion instrument for installation in private homes.